Many of you may know me through my work with schools. My foundation began in parent cooperative schools and organizations where there are high levels of community cooperation. My passion was developed through years of working with the many individuals within school systems: teachers, students, administrators, paraprofessionals, families and others who are trying to find their own sense of belonging and significance while contributing in meaningful ways toward a common school vision. What I have learned is that every school is unique and has their own culture and values. My journey to becoming a Positive Discipline Lead Trainer has offered me many opportunities to work with individuals and schools around the world who are striving to deeply implement the Adlerian concepts throughout their programs. These are not easy or short-term goals. Working with schools toward whole school implantation is a long-term commitment for both the Positive Discipline Trainer and for the school. This two-part online series is an opportunity to learn more about whole school Positive Discipline, what is involved, how you can contribute and what it could look like for your school or organization.
Intended audience:
Positive Discipline Educators and Trainers who would like to improve their knowledge and abilities to work with schools / professionals currently working in PDA Lab Schools.
4 Hour Recorded Webinar
Purchase Price: $60