My name is Cathy Kawakami and I am a Certified Positive Discipline Parent and Classroom Educator and Lead Trainer through the Positive Discipline Association. I offer Positive Discipline training and support for parents, teachers, caregivers, counselors, therapists and others who want an effective discipline approach that integrates social and emotional learning while reducing challenging behaviors. I discovered the Positive Discipline books and techniques when my children were young, and the philosophy has changed my life for the better. I have been working with children and families for over fifteen years and have extensive experience working in whole school settings. In addition to offering local support for educators and families in Northern California, I have served on the international non-profit Positive Discipline Association’s Board of Directors and present regularly at schools and conferences. The mission of the PDA is to create a peaceful world by teaching Adlerian social and emotional life skills for respectful relationships.
The name Middle Ground Parenting reflects a main concept of Positive Discipline – working together to find respectful solutions that work for everyone. I’m a parent too, in the middle of my parenting journey. I understand the struggles of today’s parents because I am right there with you. Through Positive Discipline, I have learned empowering tools that help me to be my children’s first, best teacher and have also helped me to improve all of my relationships. The teachings of Positive Discipline are filled with non-punitive, respectful methods that will incorporate kindness and firmness into parenting. I am passionate about teaching these tools to others to improve relationships for all.